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How it works?

Sign up for a class

In the beginning, there are four learning modules for you to complete. Select them in any order and go through the simple registration process to be enrolled in the course. Then...

Watch each class video

Each course will have a couple of lessons to complete. These are intended to be short, but thorough, video introductions to the different topics. They are not comprehensive by design, so if you have specific issues or questions, please email me and I'll help as best as I can.

Complete quiz and certify

After completing the course lessons, there will be a very, very short quiz to complete (est. time = ~5 minutes). Upon completion of the quiz, a customized, Certificate of Completion will be issued; you'll want to save this for the next step.

Update your FDP

The Faculty Development Plan is intended to be updated annually. Most of it is training courses, seminars, etc, that you already do to maintain CEUs. The FDP is just all of those training in one form, and used for accreditation. If there are questions, please ask Dr. Alvarez, GNV Academic Dean.

Use the tools in your Classroom

The Faculty Training is not intended to be a trial of your patience or a test of endurance - it is intended to add thorough, useful information to your classroom toolbox. Use this information to help better educate our student,s and to lessen the barrier that IT may present to some.

What will you learn